- Teacher (Editing): Padmapriya Prakash
- Teacher (Editing): Pushpa Nagini Sripada

Course Coordinator: Dr Pushpa Nagini Sripada
Language and Linguistics - PG course- under the category 'Core'
MA III Semester
Objectives of the Course: Objectives of the course are to enable the
students to have a conceptual understanding
of English Language Teaching from a historical perspective as to prepare them to teach the English language by enabling them to recognize, identify, and use sounds and structures; to identify and explain the process of second language acquisition; to adopt and practice English Language Teaching
approaches and best practices in future.
- Teacher (Editing): Pushpa Nagini Sripada

Course Coordinator:
M.A., M.Phil., M. Ed., PGDELT, MHRM, Ph.D
Expert in English literature and language, University Professor with more than twenty-three of experience teaching at the college and University level.
A distinguished record of publications in academic journals and presentations at the National and International level.
Conducted several National and International conferences and was also a resource person at many reputed institutions.
Expertise in the area of curriculum design and material development and knowledge of many different techniques to motivate students to develop their expertise in specific areas. Dedicated employee responsible for introducing new courses, coordinated many National and International university programs and outreach events that help promote learning and support the community.About the Course: A graduate course offered by the Department of English for the students of BA II year in the fourth semester
- Teacher (Editing): Pushpa Nagini Sripada